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Isn't there really only one way to break a curse? wilfred Friday, May 25, 2007


Could you tell me if this way of thinking is right or wrong?

The only way to really break a curse is to outlast the curse? I mean if your someone who has parents and grandparents living and you suspect a curse is on them, then if your not married you should not go dating and never marry until the grandparents and parents die. Because if your parent or grandparents have a curse on them and see your children before they die then while they(parent and grandparents) are tossing around in the fires of hell they will have many thoughts of your children and will be constantly thinking of them, therefore causing many portholes(ladders) in hell to open up straight to your children.

I read somewhere when an exorcist was performing an exorcism somewhere in New York and at the end of the exorcism a hideous demon appearred, and the exorcist noted the time and also noted what the demon looked like. Then later the exorcist was talking to a relative of the person being exorcised and the relative described a demon that appeared to her at the same time the exorcist was ending the exorcism in New York, and the demon the relative described was the same demon the exorcist saw. The relative was thinking about the exorcism and the one being exorcized so isn't it possible that the demon somehow after being exorcised travel thru the thoughts of the exorcized victim or the relative because they were both thinking of each other?

Didn't Einstein or some scientist suggest that thoughts have substance even though you can't feel them or see them?

I guess maybe this is crazy thinking? Any comments?

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Wilfred:

These thoughts are not crazy thinking, they are just wrong thinking.

If parents or grandparents have cursed themselves or the family, that curse is not necessarily going to die when they die. A curse can be passed from generation to generation. This is called a generational curse or generational demonization.

Since none of us know what our parents or grandparents or great-grandparents may have done in secret to secure demonic attraction I recommend that everyone pray a prayer of Renunciation of Ancestral Sins.

Sometimes, however, this renunciation may not be enough to break a curse. In that event other prayers such as that of Breaking Household Curses and Spells and/or Breaking Personal Curses and Spells are useful. In the tougher cases, the person or family may need to undergo deliverance counseling.

As for demons "traveling through thoughts", the answer to that is also no. Demons are angels (fallen angels, but angels nevertheless) and thus have angelic faculties and powers that are inherent to angelic creatures. Angels move instantaneously from place to place like quantum leaps. They can go from point A to point B without every traveling the distance between points A and B.

In quantum physics we have discovered that even matter can do this. Certain sub-atomic particles can move from point A to point B without ever traveling the distance in between. The particles just sort of "pop" from one place to the next.

This idea is even found in basic mathematics. Whole numbers like 1, 2, 3 have no degrees between them if we are to deal with only whole numbers. We pop from 1 to 2 to 3 without considering the in between numbers such a 1 1/2.

Since angels (and demons) are not in the "space-time continuum" of the material universe they do not move through a continuum of space and time like we do, they do not move through space and time, but rather pop from one place to another. They are "here" and then they are "there" without regard to time or the distance of space between "here" and "there".

That is why the demon you mentioned in that case could instantaneously visit the relative miles away when it was exorcised from the affected person.

Demons (nor angels) cannot read our thoughts. So the demon, "hearing" the thoughts of the relative and thus attracted to the relative as a result is not possible. Demons can read our body language and see and interpret our behavior and by that predict with a great deal of accuracy what we might do, but they cannot read thoughts or know the future.

The reason the demon appeared the relative was most likely since it was kicked out of one member of the family it thought that it could invade another member; who knows?

I don't remember at the moment if Einstein proposed that thoughts have substance. But thoughts can certainly have effects in the material world of substance. All sin, for example, begins with a thought. An individual thought itself is not sin, but the thought can lead to sin.

God thought about creation and then SPOKE the universe into existence. The WORD is the thought made into substance, as it were.

I hope this clears things up a little.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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