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victim soul rachel Sunday, May 27, 2007


How do you know the diffierts between a real victim soul and the devil tricking you into thinking that you are doing something cool. ?

I was and read an article about Exorcism of emily rose. That person said that was more of a trick of the devil . If she was going to stay and putt up with the demons. Also, said it was a mistake about the priest that (movie, The Exorcist ) took on the demons, because he jumped out of the
window and die. So if they do that to help other people do they get to go to heaven or hell? It wouldn't seem fair that they wouldn't get to heaven?

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Rachel:

Well, first I must say that there is nothing "cool" about being a victim soul. If a person thinks he is doing something cool, then he is NOT a victim soul.

The dictionary definition of a victim soul is:

A soul, chosen by God and deliberately corresponding with the divine will, who freely sacrifices himself, his health, happiness, etc. and suffers, after the example of the crucified Christ, for the advantage of the Church and the good of others in general or of a particular person.

This is not something one aspires to. It is something that God chooses to offer us and we choose to accept or not accept. The suffering the victim soul experiences is for the good of others, not of himself.

There can be a delusionary version of this in that a person brings the suffering upon themselves or imagines himself suffering for Christ but is actually exhibiting psychiatric symptoms. This is usually quite obvious as the person's suffering is self-interested and ego-directed. A true victim soul does not think of themselves, only the glory of God and the fulfillment of His will in the redemptive suffering that the person is offering for another.

The devil may be able to trick a person into a delusional state, but a true voluntary sacrifice of oneself for the sake of others is not something Satan would want done as this images the Cross itself.

It is not for us to judge whether or not a person is a victim soul for we cannot know the details of that person's life and spirit. That assessment must be done by a wise spiritual director, and in some cases, by the Church.

The movie, "The Exorcism of Emily Rose," depicted Emily talking with the Blessed Mother and the Blessed Mother giving her a choice to come into paradise or to return for the sake of helping the world know that demons and God exist.

This is not something the devil would want. He wants the world to believe that he doesn't exist. Thus, the motive of Emily, to suffer for the Church and others that the world would know the existence of demons, is contrary to the agenda of the devil.

Thus, from the depiction in the movie there is absolutely no justification to suggest that Emily was "tricked" by the devil. Whoever said that is wrong.

As for the movie, "the Exorcist", that movie is not recommended. There were many things wrong with that movie. What that priest did to take the demon upon himself was ridiculous. On that part I would agree with the commentators you cite.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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