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Evil Influences or overactive imagination? Diane Wednesday, August 1, 2007


My 88 year old Uncle Jack raised me. He is the reason why I always went to Church and joined the Choir when I lived with him. Then I got a boyfried and learned "the ways of the world," and gradually fell out of practicing my faith. The boyfriend died, and some time later I moved out of my Uncle's home into my own apartment and continued on my wayward life. (kind of doing it still).

My Uncle in later years, needed my help and I gave up my apartment, most of my possessions, and moved back in to help him. I was starting to return to Church going and saying the rosary, then the house started to fall apart with all kinds of mishaps, and my Uncle was getting wacky.

I told the Devil to leave my Uncle alone and that I would stop going to Church and rosary. For a while that's what happened. Now I fear my uncle is in early stages of dementia/Alzheimer's and I fear for his healthcare and that I cannot take care of him because I am not emotionally strong to help him and work full time. Should he require a nursing home, he will lose his house, his money and I will need a place to live.

Since I moved home with him everything has been a struggle, from the physical condition of the house to his physical and mental condition, to our fighting and bickering, to my just about completely losing my Faith and completely "losing it."

I always felt that evil influences have been keeping me from my Faith. I happened to go to Confession when I decided to move back home, and the priest told me it was the Holy Spirit telling me to do that.

I feel my life is a discord (other than my Uncle), few friends, bad boyfriend relationships, drinking, etc. Maybe it is not evil influences but just my warped thinking? Please pray for me and my uncle.

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Diane:

We will certainly be in prayer for you and your uncle and your whole family. You are doing a good thing by taking care of your ailing uncle. God will reward you for your love and care of him.

As for evil influences, well, you really did something profoundly stupid in making a deal with the devil. The Devil takes those things seriously.

You need to confess that in the Sacrament if you have not already done so. You also need to renounce that "deal" and take back the ground that the devil took from you when you did that (see prayers in the SW Prayer Catalog linked below).

You need to return to Church in full and begin living the life of a good Catholic -- weekly Mass, frequent communion, Sacrament of Confession, daily prayers and devotions, being faithful in the moral teachings of the Church, such as sex, drunkenness, etc.

To fail in this gives the devil an excuse to bother you.

I would suggest you read the Seven Steps to Self-Deliverance in the HELP section linked below, and also avail yourself of the appropriate prayers in the Spiritual Warfare Prayer Catalog linked below.

You need to evaluate yourself to find "thinking errors" in yourself (such as, "I can escape the stress in alcohol).

I would also check with the hospital. There are usually support groups around to help caretakers of people with dementia and Alzheimer disease. There may come a time that all this does get to be too much for you and your uncle will need to go to a facility. There is no shame in that; nothing to feel guilty about. If it is needed, when it is needed, then it is needed.

Bottomline is that all this will be easier to handle when your spirit and soul are healthy. To get healthy means to live a good Catholic life.

In addition, to take care of the past behaviors that may have attracted demonic attention, follow the advice I gave above.

We will be praying for you and your family.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary 

For information on how to receive help see our Help page. We suggest that before contacting us directly for help you try the Seven Steps to Self-Deliverance. These self-help steps will often resolve the problem. Also our Spiritual Warfare Prayer Catalog contains many prayers that may be helpful. If needed you can ask for a Personal Consultation.