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Word of Knowledge...through the evil one... Maggie Sunday, August 5, 2007



Because of my background with spiritualism, as well as past and present relationships with others who have been oppressed and/or possessed, I had been involved in the healing and inner-healing/deliverance ministry (under the auspices of a priest, with deliverance assistance only with the priest), and have done an intermediate amount of reading and studying on the subject. However, it has been a number of years since I have been active in this ministry (currently disabled), and am not able to remember the specifics regarding the so-called “gifts,” albeit less perfect, that the evil one sometime grants to those he holds under oppression or possession, specifically, his less-perfect gift of knowledge.

I understand that the evil one may not be allowed to know anything that God forbids, especially with matters that God alone knows until the end of time.

However, as far as every day mundane occurrences that are in no way connected to the sacraments or holy in nature, I have read that spirits sometimes have a certain knowledge. I believe that most of this is most likely simply careful observation on the part of the spirit or spirits. However, there are times that this knowledge would be an impossibility.

My question is this: In the matter of a personal and private issue that would not be known to others unless it was made available by an individual to others, may a demon or evil spirit give this knowledge to another individual close to him if the demon holds at least part or more of the second individual’s free will?

Can evil spirits, if they choose, grant this word of knowledge to those they oppress or possess? I understand that whatever evil spirits do or give to their host, their ultimate goal is to cause chaos and dissension.

Thanks for whatever info you can offer. Many blessings to you and yours,


Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Maggie:

Well, I need to comment first about terminology. The Charism gift of "Word of Knowledge" is generally not what the Pentecostals define it to be. The Pentecostals, with their profound misunderstanding of the Spiritual Gifts of the Spirit, think of the Word of Knowledge as an ability the is liken to being a medium discerning occult (hidden) knowledge about people. You see Pat Robertson doing this silliness on the 700 Club: "The Lord has revealed to me that there is someone in the audience with kidney problems..." This is NOT the charism Gift of Word of Knowledge.

It is more proper to understand the gift of Word of Knowledge [1 Cor 12:8] as an ability to discover, know, and communicate deep spiritual Truths. Only in extremely rare instances, such as with St. Padre Pio, may this gift include the ability to “read souls” . It is not a gift that "knows" general private information about people (e.g., illness, finances, relationships, etc.) outside of the very rare "reading of souls."

Your question is really asking about what can demons know about us and can they pass that information along to other demons, or even to humans.

The devil has his spies watching us all the time. He knows us well. Demons can know anything about us that they can observe, but neither demons nor angels can read our thoughts.

Demons can observe us and know us so well, however, that they can seem to predict our future sometimes. This is no different than a husband and wife of 50 years knowing each other so well that they can know what the other will do before he does it. Of course, neither the spouses nor the demons (or angels) actually know the future unless God tells them.

Whatever knowledge the demons gather through observation of us, they can pass along to other demons or to human beings.

99% of so-called psychics are outright frauds. When a psychic actually does know information he cannot possibly know, it will normally be a demon who has given him this information.

In exorcisms the demons possessing the person may try to distract the process by revealing embarrassing facts about the exorcist. This information does not come from any ability to know hidden things, but merely from observation.

But, ANY information demons possess is strictly by observation. Remember, however, that demons have powers of observation that make us look like idiot and blind creatures. In addition, there are hordes of demons, so they can be watching every second of our lives. They can know us better than we know ourselves.

Thus, they can know things about us that we "think" is private and unknown, but in actuality we have revealed in subtle ways that the demons observe and that we never realized.

Plus, the demons can know so much about us that they can make rather accurate educated guesses about us.

All this tends to give us the impression that demons can know secret things about us. But, again, they can only know what they observe, or what we tell them, or what God may reveal to them. They have NO powers to know our heart or our private thoughts or anything that only God can know.

I hope this helps.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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