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Please pray for Christians who unsuspectingly seek Divination! Trevor Tuesday, August 28, 2007


On the T.V. the other night I was flicking channels and came upon an interview with a psychic. The psychic was going on about how he has never been busier and how he has never seen such an interest in his spiritual services, especially with youth.

When I was young and foolish, I called myself a Catholic but never even knew that this was an abominable sin against our God. I started with one visit and then became hooked. I went four different times, and even bought a deck of tarrot cards.

It wasn't until I embraced my faith and was called to conversion that I realized that I may have opened some doors for attacks from the evil one and his minions.

The Daily Rosary and my answering the call to Conversion has been miraculous for me. I took my faith for granted for a long time, but now it is the most important thing in my life. I try to partake in the Sacraments of the Holy Eucharist and Pennance as often as I can.

If I would have been reading scriptures like I should have been and taking my faith more seriously, not just as a cafeteria Catholic, I would never have made this mistake. Please pray that all Catholics and Christians will be made to know the dangers of the Occult and to emrace passages such as:

Deuteronomy 18:10-11
10 Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in [a] the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, 11 or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead.


Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Trevor:

Yes, we need to pray for the Catholics, and others, who delve into such occultic things not understanding the danger.

But, moreso, we need to pray that Christians of all strips will learn their faith. There is frankly no excuse for a Christian not to know that divination is a grave sin. Even if one has never read that in the Bible, or in the Catechism, one should "sense" something wrong with participation in such things. If they have been baptized the Holy Spirit is within them and will be prompting with a still small voice that something is wrong. But they have to be listening.

And then there are the Catholics and others who know all about the teaching against divination and just think it is a provincial and quaint teaching of the Church that is meaningless and that there is nothing dangerous about divination and such. These people are true fools and will reap the consequences of their foolishness.

We live in an age of divination and occult spirituality. We, as Christians, better arm ourselves with the knowledge of the Truth that comes from the Word of God and the teaching of God's Magisterium. If we don't, we may be seduced into all sorts of things.

This requires ACTIVE arming with the Truth, not passive. We must stand for truth.

As the country western song says, "If we don't stand for somethin, will fall for anything."

Let us stand for Christ and His Truth and give testimony to the world of that Gospel.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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