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question on the Linda Tuesday, August 28, 2007


The poltergeist phenomena seems to be associated with the extreme libidinal energies that somehow cause kinetic effect. The intensity of items in the house flying across the room, for example, seem to be in direct proportion to the proximity of the child. The more distance one is from the child the less intense the phenomena. The child seems to be the focal point. As the child moves through puberty, the phenomena stops.

Dear Brother;
The above quote you made in reply to the Smurl case. If this is true about libidinal energies, why doesn't this happen to more children in puberty? This is the first that I have heard of this. Could you explain this more or direct me where I could read more of it? I also thought that objects being moved could be demonic. This is not so?

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Linda:

There is a lot of data on this phenomena going all the way back to the 17th century. It has been extensively studied.

While there are exceptions, it seems that poltergeist phenomenon is always closed linked to a child. The proximity issues that you quoted is called the Inverse Square Law: strength of the poltergeist activity is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the source (the child) from which the activity is originating.

This has been demonstrated in case, after case, after case.

An interesting study on this was done by a Jesuit Priest in the early 20th century. He reviewed case studies going back as far as the 17th century. The priest's name is Fr. Herbert Thurston, S.J.

Father Thurston was born in 1856 in England. He died in 1939 at the age of 82.

His research and notes were published in 1953 in a book entitled, Ghosts and Poltergeists, which has an imprimatur.

In that book Fr. Thurston quotes Adin Ballou's article, "Spiritual Manifestations" on the definition of a poltergeist:

A poltergeist is simply a racketing spirit, which in almost all cases remains invisible, but which manifests its presence by throwing things about, knocking fire-irons together and creating uproar, in the course of which the human spectators are occasionally hit by flying objects, but as a rule suffer no serious injury.

Fr. Thurston, referring to Sir William Barrett, F.R.S. in articles published in 1911 a summary of poltergeist characteristics as has been recorded in cases all over the world, states:

The points upon which he (Barrett) lays stress as characteristic of the poltergeist are the invisibility of the agents, the sporadic and temporary nature of the manifestations, and notably their dependence upon the presence of some particular individual -- usually a young person and often a child -- who must be assumed to possess strange, if unconscious, mediumistic powers.

Fr. Thurston's book details many case histories of ghosts and poltergeists, including some exceptionally rare phenomenon not usually characteristic of a poltergeist event.

As to the question of why some children manifest this telekinetic ability and others do not, no one knows.

It is rare, but when poltergeist events happen it is almost always localized to a child.

Most serious books, from any source, that deal with Poltergeists report that same observations.

God bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary


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