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pilates exercises Linda Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Dear Brother;

Can the "Pilates" exercises be used even though it seems that people who do Yoga use them also? The Pialtes exercises consist of breathing in and out while stretching certain muscles. They were started by a man named Pilates for helping men wounded in WWI. ( ) I started doing them not really noticing how much they were used by Yoga practioners but stopped because I got so sore from doing them. Could I have inadvertenly opened myself up to the occult?

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Linda:

I really do not know much about Pilates. From what I gather there are some medical effects that have been demonstrated with some of the techniques. On the other hand, some of the underlying philosophy is really problematic -- the mind over matter aspects and some of the ideas about breathing -- a typical exaggeration of effects that is most common with alternative medical techniques.

I would be cautious, but as far as I know none of the techniques brings on into a altered state of consciousness (which is the primary problem with most Eastern methods).

It does not appear, as best as I can tell for now, that your participation in this method would be spiritually harmful.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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