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Is this remotely possible? Tom Friday, September 21, 2007


I have had what I can say a demonic problem for four years after I used a Ouija board. In the beginning it was very bad and then with various help, including going through the program with you it is more manageable.

After using the board years ago, I began hearing voices claiming to be "spirits" from the board. The things manifested clearly in the beginning and still as whitish moving blobs in the dark on occasion. I seem to still be under attack such as deep depression and still being assaulted verbally. Sometimes it is just too much to take and it is very hard to concentrate and work effectively.

I travelled to a minister who said he could help me. He and his team seemed genuinely religious and nice but when they started the deliverance session they began talking to the demons and telling them that God would allow them back to Heaven. I'd hear the demons responses and tell the team what they said. The demons seemed to play along with this notion and "pretended" to happily go with Jesus to be redeemed.

Of course, afterwards I was still in the same condition, but the minister said that it was only a trick and that the demons were actually gone. He said that his group had gotten a revelation that God had changed his mind and would allow demons to return to Heaven if they renounced satan and proclaimed Jesus as Lord. One of the group was suppose to be able to sense these things and seemed possessed by one at one point.

Also, the demons seemed to go along with all this even reporting that the head demon was Abbadon which I was told later was a name that the sensative woman was waiting for.

He told me that people aren't yet ready to hear that God will allow demons back and so they are keeping this secret for now. I thought this all sounded strange but I had gone a very great distance to get there. I had learned of the minister from tv and contacted him. He seemed genuinely religious and prayed from Scripture.

What do you think about demons being allowed back?

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Tom:

I am sorry to hear that you are still being bothered. It is often true that deliverance must be done more than once, sometimes numerous times, before one is completely free.

If you need help in that regard, you may contact me.

As for this "group" you went to, they are total idiots and are deluded by Satan BIG TIME.

There is no such thing as demons repenting and being redeemed back into heaven. Demons made their choice and that choice is eternal. We too, make our choice, and when we die it is too late to change our minds.

You need to renounce involvement with this cult as submitting to their ministry services may allow even more bondage in your life.

We will pray for you.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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