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could I have given my soul away mary Saturday, September 22, 2007


Since childhood I have always imagined my soul to be in the area of my appendix ,in the shape of a shoe soul and always black.I also had pain in this area most of my life.

6 years ago at a time when I was not practising my faith,I had a hysterectomy and the night before the op I meditated on my soul and placed it into my uterus in the hope it would be removed during the op.

Following the op I have been strangly depressed and worry deeply about the silly thing I did.

During this despair I discovered the true faith in the catholic church and now go to confesion and communion often.

I have never mentioned what I did at confessions as I thought the priest might think me silly.

I didn`t have any thoughts about giving my soul to the devil but wonder if in this circumstance he might have just assumed he could have it.

I wonder what you think of this, should I just forget about it or do I need to do something? Thanks

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Mary:

The first thing I need to say is that you have NOT given your soul away. As long as you live and breathe you control the state of your soul. Even if you did promise your soul over to the devil, he cannot claim it until you die. Before then, you can ask forgiveness from God and thus restore your soul to a state of grace in the loving arms of our Lord.

The second thing I need to say is that please DO NOT avoid confessing anything in the Sacrament of Confession for fear of embarrassment (or any other reason). If you purposely fail to confess a mortal sin in the Sacrament of Confession that makes the confession a bad one and invalid. When that happens you have to re-confess the sins plus the new one of withholding a sin.

A story is told of St. Teresa of Avila and an old nun in her convent who everyone thought was very "saintly". When the old nun died everyone presumed she went straight to heaven. One night in a vision this dead nun came to St. Teresa. The old nun seemed to be in great pain. The nun begged St. Teresa to tell all the sisters in the convent to never be too embarrassed to confess any sin. She explained that she had been too embarrassed to confess one mortal sin and thus died with that mortal sin on her soul. As a result she was in hell.

To avoid confessing a mortal sin in Confession risks your soul to hell. DO NOT DO THIS. Confess all grave sins no matter how embarrassing.

I would suggest that you do two things:

1) Confess this issue in the Sacrament of Confession and also that you withheld this issue in previous confessions. Ask the priest if this is a grave sin and whether or not you need to re-confess the sins of your previous confessions.

2) After you have confessed this, pray a prayer of renunciation of what you did. Here is a prayer:

Dear Heavenly Father, I confess that I have {mention what your did} . I thank you for forgiving me for my sin and foolishness that is unpleasing and offensive to You. I now renounce this sin and foolishness and the thoughts and justifications  I had when I did this thing.

Further, Father, with Your grace and with the intercessions of the Immaculate Virgin Mary, Mother of God, Blessed Apostles Peter and Paul, Blessed St. Michael the Archangel, Sts. Benedict and Padre Pio, my Guardian Angel, and all the Saints and Angels of Heaven, and powerful in the holy authority of the Name of Jesus Christ, I break all attachments, ground, curses, spells, and rights Satan may have in my life that was gained through my actions. I ask you Lord to command Satan and all his minions, whomever they may be, to get out of my life and stay out. With that authority I now take back the ground in my life gained by Satan through my sin of {mention what your did}. I reclaim this ground and my life for Christ. I now dedicate myself to the Lord Jesus Christ; I belong to Him alone. Amen.

Holy Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do thou, O prince of the heavenly hosts, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all the other evil spirits who prowl through the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

BE NOT AFRAID EVER to confess ANYTHING in the Sacrament of Confession.

Get yourself to confession at your earliest opportunity and make clean about all this.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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