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multiple personality Linda Monday, October 15, 2007


Dear Brother;

Is a person showing a dual or split personality possesed or is that condition a true psychological one as was shown in a movie called "The many faces of Eve"?

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Der Linda:

Multiple personality is a psychological disorder that I believe is a gift from God. Usually those who develop multiple personalities have undergone severe trauma as a young child. The splitting into various personalities is a mechanism of survival for the child. Without this mechanism many of these children would become insane or even die, I think.

Demonic possession is something completely different and has no direct relationship with multiple personalities. One can be a multiple and have no demonic problems.

When demonization does occur in a multiple personality the counselor needs to be aware and careful to properly identify the difference between an "alter" personality and a demon. Demons will sometimes hide behind alters or even masquerade as an alter. But alter-personalities are NOT demons. One cannot exorcise an alter-personality.

One of my biggest cases was a woman whom we eventually discovered had around fifteen personalities. She was also demonized. In her case the source of her multiplicity and her demonization was Satanic Ritual Abuse when she was a very young girl of four years of age.

With some difficulty our deliverance team succeeded with the grace of God to rid her of demons. She remained a multiple personality however. The last I heard she was still free from the demons ten years later, and still a multiple but functioning normally and living a relatively normal life.

The move, "The Many Faces of Eve" is relatively accurate and shows the psychological dynamics of this condition.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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