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Leo XIII Exorcism Prayer Eric Monday, October 29, 2007


I read in one of Father Amorth's book that as he understood it, it was okay for people to use the Leo XIII Exorcism Prayer for personal use.

I had been using it and seemed to be getting much relief from "attack" then I heard that I couldn't use it anymore and then I read in Amorth's book that as he understood it, a person could say the prayer for one's own use.

I have said other deliverance prayers but this one really seemed to help. I noticed you quote Amorth's book concerning this prayer somewhere on your site.

Is it wrong, "sinful" for me to say this prayer now even though it works and even with Amorth's own interpretation believing it to be okay?

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Eric:

Father Amorth does not conclude that it is okay to say the Pope Leo XIII exorcism prayer. He offers a possibility that it might be said for one's own use. Father Amorth's opinion is only an opinion and not an official conclusion. Even Father Amorth does not make a conclusion of certainty on this.

Certainly, the phrase in the prayer where it says, "in the name of my ministry" CANNOT be said by laymen since that refers to the priesthood.

It appears clear to me from the document written by Pope Benedict when he was the Prefect of the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith that we are NOT to use this prayer verbatim. The prayer was meant for solemn exorcisms not for the laity.

There are other prayers that are similar that we can use. In most circumstances, in addition, it is prudent to not use the imprecatory commands that are used in the Pope Leo XIII prayer. That language can be edited to be deprecatory.

The difference between an imprecatory and deprecatory command is as follows:

Imprecatory: "I rebuke you demon of anger"

Deprecatory: "Father in Heaven, please rebuke this demon of anger."

The short St. Michael prayer is a deprecatory prayer.

God bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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