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Watching movies like the Exorcism of Emily Rose Ken Monday, November 19, 2007


A relative said that it is a sin to watch movies like the one about Emily Rose?

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Ken:

Your relative is wrong; it is not a sin to watch movies like the "Exorcism of Emily Rose". But....

...Just because something is not sin, does not mean that it is prudent to do it. St. Paul in the bible warns about this.

Movies like "the Exorcist" and other "demon" movies I think are dangerous and should be avoided. While watching such movies is not necessarily a sin, they may cause spiritual problems.

"The Exorcism of Emily Rose" is a good movie and a rather accurate one about exorcism, but I hesitate to recommend it to the general public since the general public really does not need to see the details about possession and exorcism.

For those who are sensitive to such images, they should certainly not see any movie of that sort.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary


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