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Young Children, the Demonic, Reiki MaryEllen Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Several years ago, my son appeared to be seeing things that "weren't there" fairly constantly over a period of weeks. He was taking very strong steroids for a medical condition. Hallucinations are a known side effect of that drug. Since then he has never had that medicine.

We were also going through a severe family trauma at the time.

Over the past year my son has told me that he has had trouble with seeing scary beings.

I had the house blessed by a priest, which calmed the children.

Yesterday my son told me that he has seen beings that looked as if they were standing in the room with him (outside his head, three dimensional).

We use holy water, pray together regularly.

My son told me last night, when he was seeing my hair turn into spiders, that these vision immediately got worse when a classmate began performing Reiki at school, without permission of the other kids.

My seven year old son had the discernment to say, "That Reiki really creeps me out."

He has a hard time reading, and remembering prayers is hard for him.

I have told him to just say, "Jesus I love you!" or to pray a Glory Be. He can also pray the Guardian Angel prayer. He tries to remember to wear his scapular and his Miraculous Medal.

I bless him with holy water, pray formula prayers for him, and pray spontaneously for protection for him.

He is very worried and scared.

He recently received the Annointing of the Sick for a serious medical condition. When we were leaving the church he told me that he knew for a fact that he had been healed. It appears he was, as he has had no sign of his condition for months now.

He is a child of great faith, but also struggles much with aggressive and negative behavior. It is hard to know which things are attributable mental health problems and which things are spiritual.

How can one discern when something is demonic, and when something is a mental health issue?

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear MaryEllen:

I praise God that your son was healed. God is a great and loving God.

As for the hallucinations, if the images are not a result of medication or a medical condition, then it is possible that it could be spiritual in origin. Observing beings in three dimensional form in the middle of the room is a clue to a possible spiritual experience. The fact that after the house was blessed by a priest things calmed down for  awhile is another clue. And, the negative visions getting worse after exposure to Reiki is yet another clue to spiritual issues.

The difficulty in remembering prayers could be medically based, but if not, then it could be another clue to a spiritual problem.

You need to be sure to instruct your child to NOT participate in any way with Reiki or similar activities. He should walk away from that and not even watch from a distance.

In addition to that I would advise various prayers in our Prayer Catalog such as the Hedge Prayer of Protection and the Rebuking Particular Spirits, and also the Bedtime Prayer of Protection.

Especially with the nighttime issues, I would advise playing in the background, very low so as to not disturb, a CD like Sleep Sound in Jesus by Michael Card. This is an anointed CD that seems to keep demons away. It is effective not only for children at bedtime, but for adults too, even during the day. One can let the CD go all day long if needed, on low volume so it is just background.

If these idea do not help matters, you may want to make an appointment with me for a personal consultation.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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