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Golden Compass Daemons Susan Wednesday, December 5, 2007


What do you make of the 'Daemons' in the book/movie The Golden Compass? I know a few people who have 'met their Daemon' on the website and seem to be taking the whole thing rather seriously, talking about the Daemons like they're almost real.

For instance, if one of them was meeting another somewhere they'd say "You and (insert Daemon name here) meet me at (wherever), alright?"

Note that they are all huge fans of the Trilogy, and are not religious at all. Should I be concerned for them?

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Susan:

I have not read the books or seen the movie so I really cannot speak to your question directly.

Speaking generally: While Philip Pullman, the writer of "The Golden Compass," is an atheist and does not believe in the spiritual (God, angels, demons) to invoke the diabolical can still have effect since the diabolical, regardless of Pullman's skepticism, does exist in reality and can respond even to joking invocations if it wishes.

For fans of Pullman's evil trilogy of perversion to even in jest or in role play or in fantasy seek and invoke a "daemon" is to flirt with the real life danger of conjuring a real life demon.

As the old saying goes, "These people may not believe in the devil, but the devil believes in them" and will exploit their ignorance and nonsense to his evil advantage if he can.

We need to pray for all people who stupidly read or watch this evil Trilogy. We need to pray for the conversion of Pullman. We need to pray for the protection of our children who are hoodwinked by the atheistic hostility of Pullman's stories toward the Truth, toward Christ, and toward the Catholic Church.

Pullman may not believe in God or a devil, but the devil as sure hoodwinked him and used him as a puppet evangelist for the cause of Satan.

Yes, we should be very concerned.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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