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sacramentals Constance Tuesday, December 18, 2007


God bless you all. When I pray at home I use holy water from Lourdes. Is it the same as exorcised(is exorcised and blessed the same?) water from church?

I am praying deliverance prayers every day, sometimes I light blessed candles when doing it. I have also been advised to circle them above my bed (and over a photo of a person I am praying for)before going to sleep. Is it ok to do it?
Thank you

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Constance:

No, Lourdes water is not the same thing as Holy Water that you find in your parish Church. The Holy Water in your parish is a sacramental that has been blessed by a priest by the blessing found in the Book of Blessings.

Lourdes water, one could say, is blessed by the Blessed Mother. It is given by God as a healing water -- healing by God's grace, not by any inherent medicinal quality of the water itself.

Lourdes water would be used with prayers of healing whereas Holy Water is used to bless people and places and to ward off evil spirits.

You can certainly use blessed candles in conjunction with your prayers, but DO NOT circle the candles above your bed or over a photo of a person. That smacks of occult magic and is superstitious. Rather, place blessed candles on your prayer altar and light them during your prayers. The candle light is a symbol of the light of Christ and the smoke (or heat) of the flame is a symbol of prayer rising up to God.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary


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