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Can Sacramentals be touched by the Devil? Anjo Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Dear Bro.,

Greetings! I would just like to ask if it is possible that blessed objects such as blessed and exorcised Benedict crucifixes, medals, images, icons be "touched" and made an instrument of the Evil One? Can sacred and blessed objects lose their blessing?

Thank you and God Bless!

Question Answered by Mr. Joe Meineke

Dear Anjo,

No, a demon cannot merely touch an object and cause the blessing to be removed.

A blessed object can lose its blessing when it is totally destroyed or when it is permanently transfered to secular purposes.

Therefore, as long as a blessed object continues to serve the purposes for which it was originally destined (for example, an intact scapular or a rosary), it retains the blessing. If, however, the object is damaged beyond use or is completely destroyed, the blessing is lost.

God bless you,

Joe Meineke

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