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I felt like my blood was boiling Iggy Friday, January 18, 2008


This is the first time I've really ever voiced any worry like this, I've always been afraid to sound crazy for telling anyone. The last week has been very troubling for me, though, so I feel like I have to ask someone their opinion.

I suppose it really all started with me feeling extremely paranoid, this has been going on for about a little over a week now, I just constantly feel like something is watching me. About six days ago, my little poodle, Johnny started to act very strangely. At random times during the night, he would wake up barking and growling toward a mirror that I have on the wall to the left of my bed. He's never done this before, he's about three years old, and he's always been such a quiet dog. This was not just light growling either, this was terrified, serious, and threatening. I didn't think much of it all the same and assumed he'd had a nightmare, so I comforted him and pulled him up next to me. After a while he went to sleep. Ever since this has been happening more frequently, and he refuses to sleep at the foot of the bed now, which used to be his favorite spot. The moment the lights go out, he snuggles right against my stomach and will not move for anything, and trembles and growls. I've had the same mirror in the same area for a very long time, and there is nothing really new to my room at all, so I don't understand why it would frighten him.

Then four days ago we were outside, I was taking him for a walk before bed. I went around the house to the back yard, and something was standing in the middle of my yard, under an old oak tree. I stepped back frightened, thinking it was a person, but when it turned, where the face should have been was white. It was if someone had taken a knife and cut away reality where the face used to be, and nothing remained but blankness. Needless to say, I hurried back into the house, when I shut the door, the entire ground seemed to tremble very violently, as if there were an earthquake. I went to sleep and assumed that I'd dreamed the entire thing, but I am becoming less convinced each day now.

Things have gotten much worse the last few days. Johnny can hardly sleep at all, he refuses to leave my side at any moment, and if he starts to doze off even during the day..he will wake up whining and screaming as if someone has just kicked him. He's seen a veterinarian and nothing seems to be wrong with him. The other day this happened and he had an accident all over himself. I'm terrified because more than anything I don't want my puppy to be harmed, I just want him to feel comfortable again.

It isn't just Johnny either. I've been sleeping fitfully and suffering from extreme night terrors lately, and this has never happened to me before.Yesterday I was walking from my car to my house and I happened to glance to the side, out of the corner of my eye, I saw the same figure with the blank face following me. I jerked around quickly, and it remained where it was for less than a second and vanished. I may have imagined this because I've been so nervous lately, but I don't think that I did. And last night after this happened a strong, smoky smell followed me everywhere. When I went to sleep, I only was able to sleep for about an hour before I woke up gasping and clutching at my stomach and chest. My husband asked me what was wrong, and I told him I was burning to death.

I drank cool water, stepped outside into the freezing air, came back inside, opened the windows in my room, turned a fan on me, everything. He felt my skin and it was cold to the touch. I was aware that my skin was cold, but it felt as if inside my blood was boiling. It was the most frightening thing I've ever experienced. It seemed like there was some terrible flame inside of me, it would stay in one place for a while, and then I would place something cool over it, and the heat would run to another part of my body. I seemed almost delirious for a while according to my husband. He said that I began saying strange things to him, crying and telling him that I was going to die..and at one point I said something about drinking holy water or something. I don't really remember most of what I said, but he promises that I did say it.

After about an hour and a half, and a lot of praying, the feeling went away, and I was able to rest, but not sleep. This morning it is as if nothing ever happened for me, I don't feel like I have been sick, just a little tired and paranoid. I don't really understand what is going on here. Is it possible that this is some sort of attack or could my husband and I just be imagining all of this?

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Iggy:

Well, from what you are describing you may be under a spiritual attack. While many of the symptoms you decribe could be explained by psychological dynamics, the behavior of the dog is telling.

I would suggest that you avail yourself of the Spiritual Warfare Catalog linked the bottom of this page and also the HELP section linked below. The Seven Steps to Self Deliverance may be useful here.

In the Prayer Catalog I would certainly pray the Hedge Prayer of Protection, the Bedtime Prayer of Protection, and the Rebuking Particular Spirits if you can identify any attributes that may be a demon, such as the "demon of..." lust, greed, fear, anxiety, anger, etc.

If after a month or two of praying the prayers and following the Seven Steps to Self-Deliverance and these problems do not go away, you may want to contact us for more specific advice and counsel.

God bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

For information on how to receive help see our Help page. We suggest that before contacting us directly for help you try the Seven Steps to Self-Deliverance. These self-help steps will often resolve the problem. Also our Spiritual Warfare Prayer Catalog contains many prayers that may be helpful. If needed you can ask for a Personal Consultation.