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Oppression? Layla Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Dear Brother,
About a year and a half ago I returned to the Church after being absent for several years. After some time I began to discern a religious vocation. I was attending Holy Mass several times a week praying the Rosary at least once daily, reading spiritual books, and generally trying to live according to the Lord's will. I began to have severe financial difficulties and severe temptations against chastity and temperance(specifically drug and alchohol use). Finally, I am sad to admit, I did fall.

These horrible temptations became much more intense, almost constant, from my first waking moment to my last at night. I hate to use the word but "obsessed" is a pretty good description of my experience. I also at around this time had problems at work and further financial problems. I had a persistant feeling of being "under attack". I don't want to over state my condition but it was fairly severe.

I was depressed,angry, bitter,and I was becoming hateful. This has persisted until very recently, when I began to pray again and surrender myself to the Lord's will.

What is also disturbing is my mother, who is mentally ill, dabbled in every form of occultism for years and finally completely lost her mind. My sisters and I have no doubt that she is under evil influence because she used to invite evil spirits into her body. My father also has problems, though not as severe, such as unusual health problems and chronic pain.

My question is: What is your assessment of this situation? If there is evidence of demonic influence, what remedies can I use? Besides confession and recieveing Holy Communion?

Thank you very much and God bless you!

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Layla:

First of all, welcome back to the Church.

It is not unusual to be attacked on issues of chastity and purity when discerning a religious vocation. This is an attempt of the Enemy to dissuade you from religious life. The same thing happened to be as I prepared to enter monastic life (and similar attacks and temptations can occur after entering religious life).

The intensity you describe, however, may come from the usual attacks the devil gives to those considering Religious life, but I think it is more likely that the intensity of this is sourced in the generational issues presented through your mother.

Your mother's involvement in the occult, which sounds like was very extensive, would give demons permission to attach themselves to your family line. This is one of the most common forms of demonization.

You, and your sisters, and any of their children when they are old enough, needs to pray a prayer to Renounce Ancestral Sins. Every Christian ought to pray this prayer as no one knows what their ancestors may or may not have done to attract the attention of the Enemy to the family line.

Also, I would recommend the Hedge Prayer of Protection, and also the Rebuking Particular Spirits (in which you identify the "spirits" by their attributes: lust, impurity, unchastity, depression, anger, bitterness, hate, etc.)

It may be wise for you (and your sisters) to go through the Seven Steps to Self-Deliverance as well.

All these prayers are in the SW Prayer Catalog linked below. The Seven Steps is found in the HELP section linked below.

One of the most powerful form of Deliverance is the Sacrament of Confession and the Eucharist. Be sure to attend to the Sacraments frequently and persevere in the good Catholic life.

We will be praying for you.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

For information on how to receive help see our Help page. We suggest that before contacting us directly for help you try the Seven Steps to Self-Deliverance. These self-help steps will often resolve the problem. Also our Spiritual Warfare Prayer Catalog contains many prayers that may be helpful. If needed you can ask for a Personal Consultation.