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Infestation? Layla Thursday, January 24, 2008


How would you know if your house was infested with evil spirits?

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Layla:

There are a thousand different clues. Do no try to "diagnose" this yourself but ask someone experienced in these things.

There are too many factors to list here, but possible clues are the sorts of things that you might expect such as, seeing dark shadows darking through the room, lights going on and off for no reason, pictures falling from the wall for no reason, sounds of unexplained knocks or footsteps, seeing a dark shadow that is not a shadow, increased tension and irritation in the household that is not explained by stress or other natural reasons, pets seemingly scared at something invisible, children seeing invisible friends or being bothered at night by some dark thing, etc.

You are not qualified to assess these things. Sometimes phenomena that appears to be supernatural, paranormal, or weird can have a natural explanation. Thus, if you think there is something in your house you need to contact someone like the SPCDC who has experience to assess these things.

God bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary 

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