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Just wondering Diane Friday, February 1, 2008


I take an express bus home from work and got friendly with an older woman (maybe late 50's) and never really said much more than polite hellos and goodbyes, and how's work...until January 31st. She brought up the subject of scary movies and books which we both like. Then she said when her aunt was little they live in a house (rental, I presume) and was told NOT to go into the back room and keep the door to it closed. Her aunt's mother, naturally after being told by the landlord not to go in there, did. She saw the hanging ghost of a man who hung himself int hat room.

She told her two daughters not to in there, but my friend's aunt did go in there and saw the same thing. They wound up moving out. While my friend told me this, I got a little creeped out. Now a day later, 2/1, I woke up peeved real bad, got frustrated and angry with an elderly relative and "lost it." I went off to work and on the way kept saying to myself "I am going to hang myself. I can't take it anymore."

I know getting angry and frustrated with my relative earlie aned saying "I can't take it anymore" came from my own anger and frustration but for me to say it to myself on the way to work adding in the "hanging myself" part I don't think came from mes.

Today I can picture that man who hung himself in my friend's Aunt's house, been peeved all day until 4:01 p.m, and can picutre my friend Andy's father hanging from a tree in a local park many years go. Andy found his father hanging from a tree.

My bus friend speaks low and the tone and rhythm of her speech is a bit off. If was if as she relayed the story of her aunt, that I picked up this negativity, and negativity from Andy's father.

Why I am telling you I don't know. Sometimes I feel I need an exorcist, no overt symptoms or signs, just not practicing my faith anymore, serious doubts, anger outbursts and other "small" stuff. Your insight will be appreciated.

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Diane:

Well the thoughts of hanging your self may be from an overactive imagination from hearing the story about your friend's aunt. Absent of anything else going on I would say that is likely the explanation.

On the other hand, this could be a demonic attack. Just in case, you need to reject those thoughts when they come. I mean say out loud, "I reject this thought of ________ and give my thoughts to the Lord Jesus Christ.

A more formal prayer can be:

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, strengthened by the intercession of the Immaculate Virgin Mary, Mother of God, of Blessed Michael the Archangel, of the Blessed Apostles Peter and Paul, and all the Saints and Angels of Heaven, and powerful in the holy authority of His Name, I reject this thought and feeling of     [list for describe thought/feeling]    which is contrary to God’s will. I choose only thoughts in harmony with the Holy Spirit, and I cover my thought life with the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

This may be a sign that you need to get yourself right with God. Re-discover your faith, resolve the doubts, and get back into living the Christ-life. That is the surest way of healing and peace. You may find that the anger bursts go a away too.

You need to begin living the Christian life of faith and practice. As one old Baptist preacher said once, "The best way to keep the devil out is to keep Jesus in your heart."

God bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary


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