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Powers of the enemy part 2 Larry Monday, February 11, 2008



First off, thank you for the prompt, courteous, and logical answer. I just have one follow-up question. I apologize, I don't want to take up any more of your time, so I'll get right to the point:

Should one strike a covenant or contract with the devil, would that be the same as selling ones soul? I was under the impression that such a thing is not possible (in a literal sense, obviously this is a mortal sin, and should it go unrepented, well...). Would a trip through the confessional completely erase such a 'contract'? I'd think that the sin would be forgiven, but while your soul would be clean, you may still have demonic influences in your life ("in your backyard", I believe you put it in an older post).

Thanks and God Bless!

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Larry:

There is really no such thing as "selling one's soul to the devil". That is a common way to express the act of someone dedicating their life to the devil or giving themselves over to the devil.

If a person makes a deal with the devil it is a sin and, like all sin, can be forgiven in the Sacrament of Confession. When a person confesses in the Sacrament his soul is returned to a State of Grace. But, as Catholics, we know that even though a sin is forgiven the consequences of the sin may remain.

One of the consequences of such intimacy with the devil is a bondage and attachment upon the person. Oftentimes, a person who has given himself over to Satan must undergo deliverance counseling after having his sin forgiven in the Sacrament. It can be a long and tough road to secure freedom.

I have had clients who have been in this predicament.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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