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re:dark entity stacey Thursday, March 13, 2008


I still experience seeing dark forms out of the corner of my vision whenever I visit my grandmothers house. This was where I was living when I went through this spiritual attack. When I'm alone in the house I sometimes like to crank up the stereo and sing. For some unknown reason this is when the dark forms will manifest. Can you explain why they may tend to manifest while I'm playing music? I know this is an odd question but this has been my experience.

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Stacey:

Well, it may be a coincidence that you see the dark shadows when you are listening to your music. Some other possibilities include:

1) the sound frequency of the volume on the music may be such that your eyes are resonating with the frequency and causing an hallucination. This phenomenon has been documented before.

2) Listening to the music may be placing your mind in a state that is vulnerable and susceptible to seeing manifestations of demons.

3) The music itself may be attracting demons.

Try lowering the volume of the music and see what happens. If the dark shadows are still around, try listening to a completely different kind of music and see if this still happens. Play it at the same volume. If it still happens, try listening to the music at a lower volume and see what happens then.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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