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What exactly is Deliverance? Kim Saturday, March 15, 2008


My mother just returned from giving a 10+ year confession. She was quite upset because the priest refused to absolve her sins. He told her that she was plagued by demons and needed deliverance. Also, that she would not be able to take communion at Easter mass because of this.

She has been catholic for over 30 years, but did delve into the occult for a time. And, since she can remember, she has cried through every mass ever attended for apparently no reason. The most damaging thing is that when she prays, she has a constant blasphemy against God running in the back of her mind like a tape.

This old Franciscan priest said he did not have time to help her tonight, but took her phone number and plans to call and set up an appointment to meet with her. He said in his younger years, he is 84, that he specialized in deliverance and could help her.

We both have Hollywood images of exorcism in our heads. She is quite nervous and maybe a little scared of what is going to happen. Especially since he told her that he once saw Satan come out of someone's mouth.

My question is - What can she expect? I know probably anything can happen when expelling demons, but what is the difference between deliverance and exorcism? Or is there one?

Thanks in advance for your help!

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Kim:

The kind of exorcism you see on TV is called a Solemn Exorcism and is performed only on those who are fully possessed. (the TV depictions are highly exaggerated and inaccurate, by the way).

Deliverance is a milder form of exorcism, called a "simple exorcism". Deliverance is done on people who are having less serious problems than that of possession. People may be experiencing harassments, oppression, or obsession (various forms of demonization) but are not possessed.

What happens in Deliverance will vary depending on the person performing the Deliverance. But, typically it will include praying over the person with various spiritual warfare prayers.

Our ministry is more thorough than that since merely praying a few spiritual warfare prayers over someone may not be enough. We have a counseling process whereby we talk with a person about their life. We are looking for "hooks" in a person's life that demons may use as an excuse to hang on to the person. A hook can be something like not forgiving someone, or pride, or rebellion of some sort. Attachments to sin is another hook.

We help the person to renounce occult involvements, for example, which is another hook.

The process is essentially cleaning the closet of one's life and then learning the skills to keep the closet clean and the door locked so demons do not come back.

All this takes more than just praying over a person. That is why our Deliverance Counseling is a Nine Step process taking nine weeks or more to complete.

Your mother need not be afraid. If the Friar is not able to help her, or she needs additional help, have her check out the HELP section linked below for how she can request our services.

There is also an article, Seven Steps to Self-Deliverance, located in the HELP section. I would recommend she following those guidelines as well.

We will be praying for your mother.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

For information on how to receive help see our Help page. We suggest that before contacting us directly for help you try the Seven Steps to Self-Deliverance. These self-help steps will often resolve the problem. Also our Spiritual Warfare Prayer Catalog contains many prayers that may be helpful. If needed you can ask for a Personal Consultation.