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Demons entering dreams? Tim Saturday, March 15, 2008


Dear Brother Ignatius Mary,

Can demons enter dreams? It is strange, but I have had dreams where demons come to attack me (of course, being that they are DREAMS, I don't assume they are really demons) but the nature of the dream is always very normal until there feels like a "cut" in the film so to speak, and the demon seems to insert itself (or themselves) and I am forced to fight.

One time they did not attack, but I noticed these "shadow demons" for the first time in what was a series of dreams where I was being subjected to a series of challenges to judge my validity to go work and do missions in Brazil. I failed in all the dreams, until I discovered out of the corner of my eye, these demons lurking in the shadows, about to immaterialize, but I was able to capture it with my magic whip (don't ask...) and pull it with all my strength into the light where it took a more 3-D form, and whimpered.

Otherwise, two nights in a row I had dreamt of NORMAL, everyday activities and then suddenly, this pale, skinny, bald, obsidian-eyed demon (looked like an old man) would instantly appear out of nowhere saying he had come to kill me. The third night I had prepared in prayer and actually surprised him.

Similarly, in another dream a semi-human-looking demon "appeared" in this cafe' and began to strangle the owner and I could not get close to him but I simply started praying over him and he started to combust and disintegrate. In these and other cases, the demons literally just "appear" in circumstances that don't fit. The scenes of various dreams like these are normal, banal, boring even. Then out of nowhere, a demon just pops into the "tape" (like a bad editing job) to hurt me but I actually never panic, I immediately pray.

I have had countless dreams like these. Could this be demonic? And why would a demon appear in a dream? Are we more vulnerable? Could I be killed?

God bless,

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Tim:

Yes, demons can enter our dreams, that is to say, we can have demonic dreams.

Most dreams, however, are the brain's way of creatively processing the fears, anxieties, worries, stresses, joys, sorrows, and other matters of our life.

Given that demons are a common theme these days in movies and TV those images can be brought into our dreams too. This is one reason why we are to guard our senses -- what we watch or read, whatever images or ideas we put into our brains, can be fuel for the brain to create dreams.

The images and thoughts we put into our brains can also be fuel for demons to use to attack us either in our dreams or in our waking thought-life.

Demons may appear in a dream because we are more open in a sleep state. The "bedtime" prayer is not just a quaint practice for children. I would recommend using the Bedtime Prayer of Protection found in our Prayer Catalog linked below. If you are doing so, I would also recommend that you refrain from watching movies or TV shows with demonic, occultic, witchcraft, or new age themes (or read books with demonic themes).

If these dreams are demonic dreams then I would also examine your life. Are you living the good Christian life and all that that means? If not, then you need to begin as not doing so can be an opening for demons to attack and harass.

If you need I would also recommend the Seven Steps to Self-Deliverance found in the HELP section linked below.

Taking these steps should help to reduce the instances of these sorts of dreams in time.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary


For information on how to receive help see our Help page. We suggest that before contacting us directly for help you try the Seven Steps to Self-Deliverance. These self-help steps will often resolve the problem. Also our Spiritual Warfare Prayer Catalog contains many prayers that may be helpful. If needed you can ask for a Personal Consultation.