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Italian Horn Matthew Sunday, March 16, 2008


Brother Ignatius,

I am Italian and my Grandmother always used to wear what is known as the "Italian Horn". There have always been Italian Horns in my house, due to the superstitious beliefs of Italians.

I've been informed by my spiritual director to bury these objects and get rid of them. He has specifically told me that they are objects that give demons permission to act in our lives.

Could you explain a little more about the history of these objects and how to break any sort of curses associated with them? Thanks Brother, God Bless.


Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Matthew:

The "Italian Horn" (corno or cornicello) is an Italian amulet of uncertain ancient origin. Corno means "horn" and cornicello means "little horn". These "horns" were originally styled probably from the shape of the horns of the African Eland:

African Eland

The use of horns from horn animals were probably derived from beliefs concerning the Old European moon goddess Luna. I am not sure of the years of origin of this.

Many superstitious Catholics and others use this amulet to ward off the "evil eye" that seeks to curse reproductive faculties, nursing mothers, and the like. Here is one example of a "Italian Horn":

Italian Horn

Amulets of any kind are condemned. Wearing or using an amulet is a violation of the First Commandment in that it seeks magical power to ward off evil rather than trusting in God and His sovereign power over all things.

By the way, the hand-gesture of the "Italian horn" (little finger and index finger extended with the rest of the fingers folded over) had been used as a symbol for infidelity.

This gesture is used by rock music singers and fans. They may not know why they are doing this, but may be doing it as the sign of the goat (which is a sign of Satan and rebellion). I find it an interesting coincidence, however, that this gesture is also a symbol of infidelity since these rockers are committing infidelity (unfaithfulness, disloyalty, and lack of religious belief) against God.

Anyway, since Italian Horns are amulets they are objects that demons may attach themselves. That being the case, it might be wise to follow the advice of your spiritual director -- smash the amulet if possible, bless it with holy water, and then bury it.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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