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wife is possessed through the influence of drugs Joel Tuesday, March 18, 2008


My wife and I enjoyed a good marriage until signs that I only recognized now started to manifest themselves. She stopped eating, wasn't her normal happy self, started staying away from family.

I became upset and moved out for one day and that was when all hell broke loose. She now thinks she is being followed by many to do her harm, she mixes truth with lies to obtain her goals, wants only money from everyone but no contact.

Her expressions are blank and robotic like. Has fits of extreme anger, yelling, throwing things, I have noticed bruising on the children, but she continues to state that there is nothing wrong with her, it is all of us planning against her.

I have been told that at times she prostitutes herself for money and runs the streets at all hours with unsavory people who supply her with what she wants now. She has gone from a loving, caring mother and wife to someone none of us know or recognize.

Also, seems to know ahead of times of any plans we may have and or our whereabouts, who we are with, etc.. and this from someone in her mental/physical condition.

I feel that the temptation of the drugs and their use was planned to allow her back into their world where they can use her to their ends and now an evil influence has control over her.

Is there anything we can do to free her from the tight grip that evil has over her? This is my wife and I love her.

Many have told me hat it is too late and to walk away but how can I do this to someone I love especially at a time when they need me and the Power of Jesus Christ the Most.

Not only has it changed her world and the consequences for her soul but has affected the family as a whole. Most are afraid of doing anything do to their fear of the control of the evil ones that are the devils agents on earth. But the Spirit in me does not fear them. I need some Guidance from the Holy Church as to how to proceed against those that threaten the foundation. No victory will I succede to these for Greater in me is He than who is in them.

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Joel:

I am sorry to hear about all this, but you must accept one central and irrefutable truth -- you cannot force your wife to change and you cannot save her.  Even God will not force her. She has to want help and to ask for it.

All you can do is to do what you can under the law -- such as to try to gain custody of the children. There is not much else that can be done physically unless she qualifies for a involuntary commitment to a hospital. Perhaps if she is arrested for drug possession or prostitution the courts can force her into rehab.

In the spiritual realm you can pray for her in general and also with spiritual warfare prayers such as those found in our Catalog linked below. The Hedge Prayer of a Wayward Person would be a good one; and also the Rebuking Particular Spirits.

God will not force her, but your prayers may help to open her up to God's inspiration. You can be a mighty prayer warrior on her behalf. Persevere in those prayers. Remember that St. Monica persevered in prayer for her son for years and years. Finally her son repented and later became one of the greatest saints of the Church -- St. Augustine.

We will certainly be in prayer for her and for you and your children.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary


For information on how to receive help see our Help page. We suggest that before contacting us directly for help you try the Seven Steps to Self-Deliverance. These self-help steps will often resolve the problem. Also our Spiritual Warfare Prayer Catalog contains many prayers that may be helpful. If needed you can ask for a Personal Consultation.