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Strange Phenomena during Mass Rosanna Wednesday, March 19, 2008


I'm experiencing strange phenomena during the Mass but *only* during the Mass, and usually around Communion. Sometimes, while I was praying I heard a voice telling me "I'm here Rosanna" followed by the most loving feeling I've ever had. Other times I smell roses all around me while nobody else does. Finally, other times I feel "strange", lost in a sensation that is hard to shake away. It does happen every time I go to Mass, but it does happen frequently when I'm there, even in different churches.

Is it possible for Satan to do this inside a church? What else could it be? I have mental illness and have experienced hallucinations but this stuff is different.


Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Rosanna:

All this can be a result of the mental illness. Something similar to the first two experiences you describe have been reported by other people who do not have mental illness. Those experiences may be from God.

The third experience you do not describe and thus I cannot comment.

As for your question directly, yes, Satan can be inside a Church and can harass people inside a Church.

But, I would suggest that the first two experiences you describe are not from Satan. They sound to me to be from God.

God bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary


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