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despair over past event Katie Sunday, March 30, 2008


A few months ago I wrote to you about this occultic activity where I would ask a yes or no answer and get a response. I asked a number of times if God loved me and it said no over and over again even when I asked it in the name of Jesus Christ. Then I asked if God would ever love me and it said no. Also it told me some of my relations went to hell.

Even though I know God loves me I still feel deep down that whatever answered me must know more about the state of my soul than I do. I always feel like God doesn't love me. It said that God loved me when I was child, but not after the age of seventeen. At that time in my life I comitted some major sins. I always feel that God doesn't love me. I am sorry for what I did, but deep down I am convinced that I am going to hell no matter what I do.

One of my relations that supposedly went to hell was always at church, always praying. Yet, she supposedly was a very difficult person. All of the people that did go to heaven were kind to their neighbor and never twisted or mean.

I know some of what was said was lies. It's hard to let this out of my mind though. I'm so difficult sometimes so I imagine I'm heading down that road and that that evil being knows since it has superior knowledge to me.

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Katie:

What answered you were demons. Demons specialize on lying. They are liars, deceivers, and are untrustworthy. Do not listen to those voices or thoughts.

God loves you. We know this for a fact because God says so in the Bible. Either it is true that God loves you or God is a liar. To call God a liar is to call God a devil.

To say you are going to hell no matter what is also to call God a liar and a devil. God says that He will forgive us when we confess our sins (1 John 1:9). Either that is true or God is a devil.

As for your relations, you do not know if she went to hell. No one knows that but God.

You are also incorrect that all of the people who went to heave were kind to their neighbor and never twisted or mean. All of the people in heaven, except Jesus and Mary, sinned and were reprobates and perverts. Being perfect and holy is NOT what got them to heaven. What got them to heaven was dying in a state of grace, that is, confessing their sin and accepting God's forgiveness.

All people who confess their sins and accept God's gift of forgiveness and die in God's friendship go to heaven.

You say that the devils know more than you do. You are right. They know that God loves you and that you are heaven-bound when you confess your sins and accept His forgiveness. They know this BUT THEY LIE TO YOU to mess you up.

STOP LISTENING TO LIES. Reject these thoughts that contradict God. Who knows more, the devils or God, you or God?

God says He loves you. And God offers you eternal life. Confess your sins and accept His grace and continue to do that until your death and you will find yourself in heaven.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary



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