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Thank you re: Warrens and suggested reading Doris Monday, April 14, 2008


Thank you Bro. Ignatius Mary re: your reply on the Warrens.

A new book was pubished here in Ireland in 2007 and is now released internationally, called, "The Dark Sacrament" by David M. Kiely and Christina McKenna. It is about Exorcism in modern Ireland. If at some stage you get to read it, perhaps you might give an opinion. It is available on

It has many prayers at the back of the book, including the full version of Pope Leo XIII's Prayer to St. Michael (I didn't know there was a longer version until I read about it!)

The book includes true stories of people here in Ireland who unwittingly opened themselves to the demonic. The case histories are from two reputable exoricists, one Protestant and one Catholic.

The Catholic exorcist I know. He is Cistercian and even though his name is disguised for anonymity I know the 'real' man. A lot of the contributors asked for their names to be disguised as well as their locations for fear of reprisals from family and neighbours. You can understand this, as you read the story of the poor lady who married into a family of paedophiles! She tried to have them prosecuted, but it proved impossible and several threats were made against her and her son.

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Doris:

Sorry about the delay in responding.

I have heard of this book, and I think my associate Joe Meineke is reading it right now.

One word of caution. The Pope Leo XIII St. Michael prayer of exorcism CANNOT be said as written by the laity. I do not know what the other prayers are, but until we can review them, I would advise caution in using those prayers and would advise not using the Pope Leo XIII prayer at all.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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