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More phenomena during Mass Rosanna Monday, April 21, 2008


Dearest Bro Ignatius,,

as of today those phenomena during Mass continue happening.

More or less around the peace sign, I feel compelled to kneel down. I start crying (without wanting to), my breathing slows down, I feel warmer and become so unbelievably happy that I can't cry (I don't *want* to cry, and I don't sob, just tears flow out of my eyes), I can't think of anything else but "it's so beautiful it's so beautiful" when I see people taking the Eucharist. This sensation goes away when Communion is over.

Also, it is characteristically more intense if the Church is bigger or a higher number of people take the Eucharist (It has happened in 4 churches so far, in different locations, with different music --- I've tried to be rational and go in different places to see if it was the location or the kind of music that triggered the phenomenon).

I don't want to sound too much like doubting Thomas, but I have a mental illness and I was trying to be *sure* that it wasn't psychosis. I never had 3-5 minutes psychosis, anyway.

One a couple of occasion, I almost heard a voice. I say "almost" because it wasn't a real voice, more like a music that was saying something without speaking (do I make *any* sense). But I felt so much love that it's impossible to describe. Once it happened when I was alone in my room.

It doesn't sound to me like mental illness (not my regular one anyway). Do you think it might be the devil? What am I supposed to do about it?


Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Rosanna:

I think you should stop worrying and enjoy the warm embrace of our Lord and the gift of tears in response to such a wonderful God.

I do not cry as you do, but I do tear up a lot. It is a reaction from the emotion of joy in the presence of our Lord.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary


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