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Afraid to confess and it's keeping me from God Kimberly Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Dear Brother,
I humbly ask that you might answer this post and assist me. When I was younger I comitted a sin that I have not been able to confess to a priest. I tried once about 12 years ago and the priest told me he could not grant me absolution because he did not believe I was repentent. I am. I am so repentent and sorry. I am sorry with all of my being, not just for the original sin but for how it has driven a wedge between myself and God.

I have not tried to confess this sin again because I fear that I'm beyond God's forgiveness and will be again told that there is no absolution for me.

Could you please help me. Please, I ache at my separation and only wish to be again welcomed back to my heavenly Father.
Thank you.

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Kimberly:

No one is beyond God's grace and forgiveness. That is a thinking error and it is calling God a liar. God says that if we are faithful to confess He is faithful to forgive (1 John 1:9). God does not lie so we know that it true.

You need to return to confession as soon as possible. If the priest thinks you are not repentant, then ask him about it. Ask him why he thinks that and what you can do to become repentant. Don't just accept this verdict. Ask why and seek whatever you need to make a good confession.

Get to confession again, THIS WEEK, this afternoon if possible, and poor out your heart to God.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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