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Native American Religion Flower Monday, May 19, 2008



I am native american. I have a deep faith in nature, and in an all loving all providing great Spirit. While he doesnt have a white face and doesnt write on tablets of stone the 10 commandments and is far from angry ; he is very peaceful.

There are many Catholics in our community. I have thought about coming Catholic too. But I have a real problem with a God who is so angry; and a God who allows evil to have power over him ! Why should I believe all this. And do you find anything wrong with our peaceful religion (based on your concepts).


Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Flower:

I pray that you will come to know the true teaching of the Catholic Church and by that come to know Jesus Christ and His Church.

God is not angry and God does not allow evil to have power over Him. God is all-powerful and nothing can be over Him.

One of the places you can learn about what Christianity is really about is to read the Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2nd Edition. It contains a summary of the Faith.

As for the Native American religion, I am afraid I do find problems with it. For one it worships nature. Nature is not to be worshiped. Only God is to be worshiped. When people worship the creation instead of the Creator we have a problem. We are to have no other Gods before him. That is because there is only one true God.

Our God is not just loving, HE IS LOVE. That is His very essence. All that is Love is from Him. He is the beginning and the end. Love does not exist without Him.

Love, however, by definition demands justice and truth and mercy. Our God provides all that. Our God is the creator of all things visible and invisible. He is the Lord of Lords and King of Kings. He is not the Great Spirit, He IS THE ONLY Spirit God. He is a God of Peace, but also of Truth. Sometimes the Truth causes conflict because some people will not accept the truth. This cannot be avoided for we must stand for truth at all costs.

The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (the Christian God) is the only God. There are no other gods. All else that claims to be god is false. Thus, we worship God and God alone. We have respect and awe for God's creation, but worship is reserved only to Him.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary


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