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How do I defend myself against a demon? Mary Sunday, June 22, 2008


I had a dream a couple of nights ago that I need to ask about. In it, on a circular white-like cracker or bread, like the shape of the bread in the Eucharist, letters were being written and disappearing as soon as the next letter would start to write...I don't exactly know the whole writing except this...WOOD ONLY SURVIVES THE CRUCIFIXION...these letters looked like they were being burnt into the bread and kept being written and disappearing....and then this voice that came from some ancient realm, which I will never forget, said the words that were being written. When I heard this voice, which sounded and reverbrated like the dark lord from Star Wars, I shot up out of bed so fast you'd think that I'd had cold water splashed on me or someone just lit a fire under my you know other words, I was INSTANTLY awake, bolted out of bed, and scared. I've never heard a voice like that before.

Normally, the minions are just crafty and subtle...but this, this was a higher level minion, ancient, decrepit, angry, sinister. And if it was his job to scare me, he did it. Yet, other than praying to Our Father, Jesus, Mary, and Archangel Michael, and using Holy Water, I don't know how to defend myself...or even if I should. What is a person supposed to do when they can enter your dreams?

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Mary:

Well assuming this was a demonic attack and not just a dream, you are already doing what you need to do in prayer. You can add a Bedtime Protection prayer like that found in our SW Prayer Catalog linked below. Also live the good Catholic life of frequent Sacraments, adoration, devotions and prayers, and good works.

But, frankly this sounds like a dream, or a nightmare, not a demonic attack, but saying bedtime prayers of protection to be on the safe said is certainly a good thing to do.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary


For information on how to receive help see our Help page. We suggest that before contacting us directly for help you try the Seven Steps to Self-Deliverance. These self-help steps will often resolve the problem. Also our Spiritual Warfare Prayer Catalog contains many prayers that may be helpful. If needed you can ask for a Personal Consultation.