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free will/ evil choices Jay Friday, July 11, 2008


Dear Bro. Ignatius, Jay here once again.

I was recently watchingf the E.W.T.N, and the subject was; 'why does God allow sufering evil in the world?" The Priest who was given the talk said that basically, it comes down to 'free will', the choices the individual makes.

Now, what I am wondering about is; can someone actually choose to do an evil act w/o the influence of demons? I am not talking about someone seriously mentally ill like Charles Manson or Jeffrey Dahmer, but someone who is in full possession of their 'faculties' commit an evil act; such as the violation of a helpless child, beating of an elderly person, being purposely,verbablly abusive? I hope my question is not confusing, but I would appreciate it if you could expound on it. thank you, Jay.

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Jay:

The human person is capable of all sorts of horrible evil. Demons do not have to be around at all. Even if all demons were locked up and there were none on the planet to bother us, we humans would still rape, kill, steal, molest, war, torture, kidnap, commit adultery, fornication and all sorts of sexual perversions.

We do not need the devil to do any of these things. We are fully capable of doing evil all by ourselves.

The devil can and does influence us to do these things too, but he is only encouraging that is already possible within us. We cannot say, "The devil made me do it." We have free will top choose our actions even if the devil was influencing us.

The only exceptions is when free will is impaired such as it is with the very young, the mentally ill, brain damaged, perhaps with addicts, and sometimes with those who have become demonized.

Otherwise, we can choose freely evil or we can choose holiness.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary


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