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Guardian Angel Annie Friday, July 18, 2008


When I was small and had an imaginary friend who seemed very real to me, I would call him "Matches". I don't know why. I would tell Mom to not close the door on "Matches" and talk and play with him. Recently after praying and asking my guardian angel for his intercession, I was asking him whether it may be possible that this friend was him and if I had misunderstood his name perhaps being Mathius to be Matches. Just a guess but it made sense to me.

So after praying some more, I said to my guardian angel if this is the case, please confirm this by asking God to allow me to find the word Matthius in this book. Well sure enough, I flipped the book (a holy book) and when my finger landed, it WAS on a page that had this name on it. So, do you reccomend that I address my guardian angel by this name when I pray or do you see this as some kind of trick? I do not want to do anything sacreligious

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Annie:

We need to be very careful about asking God to do this sort of thing. The problem is that the devil can potentially create the same effect.

There is no real reason to know the name of our Guardian Angel. I think it is best to not worry about a name and just refer to your Guardian Angel as "My Angel."

We must also be careful about childhood invisible friends. A child's invisible friend can be imaginary, the child's guardian angel, or a demon.

To be on the safe side I would ask the spirit you are talking to if he is from God and if he "confesses that Jesus Christ came in the flesh". Those exact words are important. If this is a spirit or angel of God the answer will be unhesitatingly, "Yes."

And then ask God that if this spirit or angel is not from Him to please take him away.

The Bible tells us to test the spirits to be sure they are from God.

I hope this helps.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary



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