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Attatchments debbie Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Dear Brother Ignatius,

I have a question concerning attachments. Could a demonic attachment occur in a child that leads into adulthood from suffering either mental, physical, or sexual abuse? Could you also explain further what an attachment is, and what curses are, and how they come about?

Thank You

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Debbie:

Yes, an attachment stemming from abuse can stay with a person into adulthood. I have dealt with many clients where this has been the case.

An attachment comes in two forms:

1) the most common use of the word "attachment" refers to our inclination (an emotional dependence) toward  a material possession or a sin. Sort of like Lot's wife, we might leave the sin or the material possession behind, but we look back in a desire to keep it.

2) in spiritual warfare another definition of "attachment" is used. Here a demon "attaches" himself to a family or to a person. This attachment may be caused by 1) the person sinning (commission or omission) or living imprudently; or 2) by an ancestor sinning in a way that a demon attaches to the family; or 3) by transference of a demon from an attacker; or 4) by abuse or trauma suffered by the person; or 5) by a curse or spell.

The person suffering from an demonic attachment is an innocent in all but #1.

Deliverance Counseling is mostly about finding these attachments, or hooks as I call them, and dealing with them, renouncing them, breaking them so that evil spirits no longer have an excuse to hang on to the person's life.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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