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strange dream wondering Wednesday, July 30, 2008


I dreamed I was summoned to a ritual. I was at a round table, which had an umbrella overhang, with other people. Demons swirled around and one took shape of a slender, dark long haired man with dark eyes, who had a keen interest in me. I was thinking "he can't be interested in me as I am a good person." And instanly, his thoughts were made made known to me that he knew every action, every thought I ever had. Then I felt I belonged there because of just that. He corrected me in how to say his name: Silye; the "ye" part like the word "yes" but no "s" at the end of it.

Later on, when awake, I looked up "Silye + satanism." to see what it meant. The name is part of a phrase used in ritualls, which is "salva! Salva! yevo Silye." To say the least, I was very disturbed by this finding. I have never been involved in rituals to know any part of any phrases used in it. could the devil have been in this dream for real?

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Wondering:

Well, I'd have to know a lot more to really answer properly. It is possible that you have come across this word somewhere in reading or even in a movie perhaps and do not remember it. The dream, in that case, drudged up the information from your subconscious.

It is also possible to have demons inspire dreams.

If this was just a one-time event and does not continue I would not worry about it. Chalk it up to an education perhaps, a reminder that the devil really does exist.

You can certainly pray a bedtime protection prayer. One is found in our Catalog linked below.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius


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