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wicca ritual mary Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Have you heard about a wiccan ritual called the wiccan puberty rite? what is it?

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Mary:

The Wiccan puberty rite is a "rite of passage" for young girls and boys. There are usually several rites of passage throughout a person's life, about every 7-8 years.

What happens during the puberty rite is disgusting and I shan't repeat it here except to say that it constitutes sexual abuse of the children. In today's culture any Wiccan perpetrating this rite on children, if caught, would be arrested.

That rite can be found in ancient texts. Wiccans today may or may not follow the ancient abusive rites but may practice something more benign.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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