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Pope Leo XIII exorcism used by priests Father Tuesday, August 12, 2008


It is clear that a layperson cannot and should not use the prayer and exorcism of Pope Leo XIII. That said, considering that Pope Leo wrote it for priests, can any priest non-exorcist use this prayer and exorcism? Or does a priest have to receive the special and particular permission from his bishop to do an exorcism in order to use the Pope Leo XIII prayer and exorcism?

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Father:

Unfortunately the answer to your question cannot be definitively offered. The Norms issues by then Cardinal Ratzinger are unclear.

It would appear that the text of the Pope Leo XIII exorcism prayer is not to be said outside of a solemn exorcism. That would mean that even a priest should not say it unless he has been appointed by his bishop to do an exorcism. The text of Inde Ab Aliquot Annis is unclear and has never been clarified by the Holy See.

On the other hand, Father Amorth, who is also not sure of the interpretation of the document, says, "The private use of such exorcisms is another matter; at least, this is how I understand the above-cited document."

Thus, the prohibition may be reserved to public circumstances where it appears that the exorcism is in the name of the Church. Priests would have to be VERY careful about this. For a priest to pray this prayer outside of an official exorcism and outside of a purely private setting (such as in the confessional or in pastoral counseling in his office), could be mistaken by on-lookers or others who know about it as an official exorcism when it is not.

On this, as in other matters, the Holy See is concerned about the appearance of the event and not just about the technical aspect of the event.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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