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Speaking in an unfamiliar language Cathy Thursday, August 14, 2008


Early this year, I entered treatment for alcoholism after many years of nightly drinking. While in treatment, The facility's psychiatrist began treating me with antidepressants. After a few weeks on these antidepressants I found it remarkably easy to refrain from drinking and therefore decided that I was not an alcoholic, but simply self medicating with alcohol so I dropped out of treatment.

Within a few weeks I had started to drink again, but at a much reduced rate. I have progressively begun to drink more often, and frequently to the point of being tipsy. I have even been completely drunk on about 3 different occasions.

Last night, I was tipsy and my husband was upset about it and worried. We got into an argument about it because I was being defensive and claiming that I was controlling my drinking. He said that when I drink I look and sound like a different person (he has said this many times before).

My husband went to lie down on the couch and began to pray that God release this addictive demon that he believes resides in me (I am also a smoker) and I began to throw small toys at the door to the room that he was in at exactly the time that he began to pray. When he came to see what I was doing, I began to laugh at him in what he describes and an evil laugh which he has never heard from me before. While all of that is scary enough to me, he said that when I passed by him to go to bed I said either domina de hell or domus de hell. He immediately looked this up in a Latin on line dictionary and I either said lady from hell or house from hell in Latin. I don't speak Latin.

I am extremely worried that I am possessed by a demon and I am wondering what your opinion and recommendation is on this subject. Thank you so much, Cathy

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Cathy:

Well the very first thing you need to do is go back to rehab and finish it. Responding quickly and easily to the treatment DOES NOT mean you are okay. It sounds to me like you are an alcoholic and the fact that you returned to drinking and the drinking is increasing pretty much proves that.

With alcoholism demonic oppression does occur. To be free from demonization you must first confront yourself with the truth. In this case it is the truth of your drinking. If you want freedom from any demonic bondage you must first complete treatment. Get back into treatment.

In addition to treatment you must begin living the good Christian life and all that this means -- worship, communion, prayer, devotion, good works, confession of sins, etc.

I would suggest that you go through the Seven Steps to Self-Deliverance and avail yourself of our Spiritual Warfare Prayer Catalog. In that Catalog is a prayer called Rebuking Particular Spirits. You need to rebuke the spirit of alcohol and ask instead for the Spirit of Sobriety.

But in all this you must come to grips with truth. For example, being "tipsy" is being drunk. Call it what it is -- drunkenness. Your behavior with alcohol is alcoholic -- call it what it is. With acknowledging these truths, instead exercising thinking errors and obfuscations, freedom is possible with God's help.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary



For information on how to receive help see our Help page. We suggest that before contacting us directly for help you try the Seven Steps to Self-Deliverance. These self-help steps will often resolve the problem. Also our Spiritual Warfare Prayer Catalog contains many prayers that may be helpful. If needed you can ask for a Personal Consultation.