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Evil houses? Claire Friday, July 23, 2004


Hello Br. Ignatius,

So good to see this site up and running again! God bless you and the others who run this - wonderful work you all do. Thank you so much.

Anyway, the question I have is: Is it possible for a house to be evil - or at least have the presence of evil in it?

I live in a modest neighborhood, and the people around us are quiet, courteous, nice respectful of others (as are my family and I). In the 8 yrs. we've lived in our house, the house next door to us has had nothing but nasty people in it.

The first couple were into drugs, loud music, stealing property and cars (the police arrested one or two of them directly involved and confiscated the stolen goods) swearing constantly and disturbing us and others till late hours. They finally moved away and the second homeowners turned out to be nasty as well although not quite as evil. They moved away and now almost a month ago we have new homeowners, a young brother and sister whose parents helped them buy this house and their friend lives there too.

They swear outside my kids' rooms (the youngest of my 5 children is 5 yrs old) keep us awake till after 3 am, have illegal fires in their yard (I've called the authorities on them several times) and the fire dept has been out to dose their fires. They start drinking outside in the early evening till almost dawn getting louder and more obnoxious. They even threatened us tonight because I told them if they didn't stop I would call the police. I did and also reported the threat.

I have been praying and crying to God to end this evil.

-What should I do? Is it possible for a house to be "evil"? Should I discretely sprinkle Holy water around the property? Are there any special prayers I can say to help end this evil?

Thank you for any help you can offer.
from a tired and upset Claire

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Claire:

Thank you for your blessing. We NEED it!!!

To your question, a house is an inanimate object; it thus cannot be evil. Evil is only possible through the free will choices. There were (are) only two types of creatures that have free will -- angels and men.

All of creation was created good and holy, including Lucifer. It was only upon Lucifer's free choice to rebel that he, and those who went with him, became evil. Evil came into the human existence when Adam and Eve made the free choice to rebel against God and bring the curse of Original Sin into the Human Race. Evil can exist in an individual person when they make free choices to be evil. This is the only way evil exists -- through free choice of man and of angels.

While an inanimate object, such as a house, is not a living being able to make choices and thus cannot be evil in itself, such objects can be infested with evil. Demons like to attach themselves to places and can certainly infest a house.

What you are describing with your neighbor house may indicate an evil presence of some sort, or it could be coincidence. There could be other unknown factors that tend to attract a certain type of person to that property.

You can certainly have your house and property blessed using holy water around the perimeter of your property. You can bury blessed Benedictine Medals, for example, around the perimeter of your property as a no trespassing sign to the evil spirits. You can and should pray for the people who live in this house and pray that any evil entities that may be infesting the house be cast out. Some of the prayers in the Prayer Catalog can be adapted for these purposes.

One of the things I would certainly do the next time the house is vacant, is to go over to the house and bless it (from the outside; you do not want to break and enter), and the property including placing blessed medals around the property and about the outside of the house somewhere.

Remember, however, that blessed medals are not magick and are no guarantee that evil spirits will stay away. Such blessed objects do have the fingerprint of God upon them which is perceived by the demons. Since demons do not like the presence of God, even the small presence of his fingerprint, oftentimes demons will see the medal as a sort of no trespassing sign and move away. But, just as in the material world, not everyone respects a no trespassing sign. Some people will shoot holes in your sign and trespass anyway. More tenacious demons may ignore the signs. Nevertheless it is useful to post such no trespassing signs since it does provide a measure of protection, but always remembering that the power is not in the sign, but on the faith of the person who using the sign and the power of God to enforce the sign.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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