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Chakra claire Sunday, August 31, 2008


Hello Br. Ignatius,

God's blessings to you and all the others who work so hard to bring us correct teachings and information.

I have a question regarding Chakra and it's "healing" purposes. I recently met a lady at work (co-worker) and although she is very nice and loving, I have always felt a little guarded around her. I couldn't understand this, for she seemed to be a Christian. However, after talking and getting to know her better, I undertand my guarded feelings - she is into New Age (without ever coming out and telling me). I believe my feelings were/are a warning from God.

Before posting this I checked what I could find out about Chakra on this forum, but wasnt' too successful. (Sorry, I'm not too computer literate!)

One of my children has been ill for months with unexplained, debilitating headaches (never go away, and we're waiting to see a neurologist - in the meantime she is on strong medication to alleviate the pain). This lady gave me some papers she made with Chakra (interspersed with Bible teachings) and a CD to listen to, explaining that this will "cure" my daughter's headache's.

I immediately felt uneasy and guarded. I asked her what was on the CD and she told me it was just relaxing music - no words and will help. I accepted the package, but I will not use it. I understand that this is New Age garbage, and I will not go against the Church's teachings with adhere to God's will.

My question: Even though this is supposedly only musical notes, can this "music" bring about demonic influences? I will not take a chance either way, and will give this package back to this co-worker telling her that I don't delve in the occult New Age philosophy. Is there anything else I can tell her?

thank you and God bless,

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Claire:

Chakra is a word from the Sanskrit (Hindu) meaning circle or wheel.  It refers to centers of energy allegedly found in the spine located at major branchings of the human nervous system, beginning at the base of the spinal column and moving upward to the top of the skull. These Chakras (energy centers) are considered to be a point metaphysical and biophysical energy.

There are different traditions and variations of of the Chakra philosophy. In Tantric tradition the seven chakras are:

  1. Sahasrara or the crown chakra is generally considered to be the chakra of consciousness.Symbolized by a lotus with one thousand petals, it is located on the crown of the head.

  2. Ajna or he Third Eye is the chakra of time, awareness and of light. Symbolized by a lotus with two petals.

  3. Vishuddha or the throat chakra is the chakra of communication and growth, growth being a form of expression. Symbolized by a lotus with sixteen petals.

  4. Anahata or the heart chakra is related to complex emotion, compassion, love, equilibrium and well-being. Symbolized by a lotus with twelve petals.

  5. Manipura or the solar plexus chakra is related to the transition from simple or base to complex emotion, energy, assimilation and digestion. Symbolized by a lotus with ten petals.

  6. Swadhisthana or the sacral chakra is related to base emotion, sexuality and creativity. It is located is located in the sacrum. Symbolized by a lotus with six petals.

  7. Muladhara or the base or root chakra is related to instinct, security, survival and also to basic human potentiality. This centre is located in the region between the genitals and the anus. Symbolized by a lotus with four petals.

All this has to do with the energy flows and centers in the body that are thought to exist in Eastern cosmology. These cosmologies do not actually exist and are contrary to the Catholic worldview. The Philosophy and all that goes with it should be avoided.

This lady is mistaken if she thinks she can justify this false cosmology with bible verses. The idea that this can cure illness is ridiculous and dangerous.

As for the music, I cannot answer since I have not heard it. But, in general there are musical compositions that are designed to place one into an altered state of consciousness. These are to be avoided. Although I do not know about this particular tape, it is likely that it is music of the type that could be spiritually dangerous.

It is wise to give this back to your friend. As for what to tell her, I would mention that a Christian should not be involved in these things. If she is interested she can read Church documents on the matter, such as A Christian reflection on the “New Age”.

God bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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