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astral projection and demonic possession Michelle Friday, September 5, 2008


I am a practicing Catholic and try to witness to others about Jesus. On two occasions in my life I saw and felt a person trying to do harm to me via astral projection. In the second episode, I was awakened from a dead sleep and this person tried to harm to me physically. After the second blow, I said the name of Jesus and he disappeared.

Is this person who utilized astral projection a person who gave himself over to Satan through witchcraft or is this a demon utilizing the disguise of a human being?

Periodically, when I go shopping, I have felt someone watching me. At one time I turned my head and saw this woman looking at me with crooked, convoluted,evil smile!

I want to know if by praying the rosary (leading up to two rosaries per day), will the Blessed Virgin Mary protect me against such harassment?

I have encountered many meetings with the Evil One(s) and believe in my heart/spirit that much harm was done to me by them when searching for employment. I would like to know if the Rosary would be THE WEAPON to stop much of this harassment and sabotage against me?

I was thinking of adding/invoking the Precious Blood of Jesus chalplet and St. Michael's Chaplet. I feel more than ever, that I need the Father's help/assistance and would like to grow closer and have a deeper relationship with our Heavenly Father.

Please give me advice and direction!

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Michelle:

The attack via "astral projection" is highly unlikely. Any apparitions you saw would have been demons disguised as a person.

You shopping experience is likely explained as "psyching yourself out." Our imaginations are powerful and especially when you have had many experiences with demons or the paranormal in the past we can sometimes misinterpret current experiences as demonic or paranormal when they are not. This happens even to me sometimes. It is a phenomenon for which we all need to be aware.

As for the Rosary and other prayers such devotions are powerful weapons against the Enemy, but they are not magic. Treating the Rosary like a talisman would be sinful. There is no magic in the Rosary. The Rosary does not "cause" anything to happen.

The power of the Rosary, or in any prayer, is our faith, not the beads or the prayer. God and our Blessed Mother will offer you protection but the primary protection is for your soul. God may allow things to still harass you for a variety of reasons. Presuming there is nothing in your life to attract the demons, God sometimes allows them to harass us anyway as a test of our faith, to strengthen us, to teach us some lesson, or for any other reason that God determines is in our best interest.

To ensure that there is nothing in your life that may attract the Enemy I would advise that you go through the Seven Steps to Self-Deliverance found on the HELP page linked below.

Keep doing your prayers and live the best Christian life you can. As one old preacher once said, "The best way to keep the devil out, is to keep Jesus in our lives."

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary


For information on how to receive help see our Help page. We suggest that before contacting us directly for help you try the Seven Steps to Self-Deliverance. These self-help steps will often resolve the problem. Also our Spiritual Warfare Prayer Catalog contains many prayers that may be helpful. If needed you can ask for a Personal Consultation.