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re: communication with entities stacey Sunday, September 21, 2008


When I went through deliverance from demonic oppression a few years ago I never experienced vomiting up a demon but I would always get a severe stomach upset after these sessions.

The question I have right now is whether it is possible to become physically ill when in the presence of someone else who is demonized?

I have had the experience on a few occasions of feeling fine and then when I came in contact with someone who I suspected may be demonized (I didn't know for sure because I know we can't diagnose like you said) I would get very ill and start vomiting.

I used to do this when I was around my ex boyfriend. He is a very vile individual who is addicted to drugs, porn, etc. I would be feeling fine and then whenever he was around or I was in his presence I would usually become ill and start vomiting within about 10 minutes. I have also experienced this around other people one of whom was an ex boss of mine. When I was no longer in their presence I would immediately start feeling fine.

Do people who are in the deliverance ministry ever experience this? I know this may all sound crazy but is there a reason why this happens? I also get that way somewhat to a lesser degree if I come in contact with any occult paraphenalia or literature.

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Stacey:

As to the title you gave for this post of communicating with entities, do not ever do that. Even if entities say something to you, do not respond.

Also, since you were demonically oppressed at one time it is important to discern that your illness when in the presence of such people is not a residue from the oppression. Demons can act up with in the presence of other demons.

But, assuming that is not the case, the answer to your question is Yes, it is possible for those who are sensitive to evil presence to experience an ill feeling and even become sick. Vomiting is rather rare in this situation, but it is possible too.

Those in deliverance ministry may also experience this in some cases. Last July we had a major case where I traveled to Ohio to do a deliverance. I was physically ill for about a week before this.

I would advise caution, however, to not think there are demons around every corner, and to be careful about rash judgment. But with that said, assuming your experience is spiritually sourced, you can use this phenomenon to help you discern whether or not to be around certain people. Call it an early warning alert. This can be a gift, but just be sure to not make yourself sick by presuming things.

If this is something that you would prefer not to experience you can ask God to take this away. There are other ways to discern spirits without getting ill. But, you must always be open to God's will in this and in all matters.

God bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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