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Mind-Tek and Brain Sync DJ Monday, September 22, 2008



Peace and good health!

I just want to ask if you would commend Dane Spotts' Super Brain Power (28 Minutes to Supercharged Brain) by Mind-Tek found at and Brain Sync Audios found at

I just thought to ask you because I learned from someone that entering altered states of consciousness makes people susceptible to demonic influences and I really don't know if that's true, please confirm this. I just want to know if such products are safe to use although I believe that the part where Mozart music is used maybe safe.


Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear DJ:

While I do not have time to check out those site thoroughly I did glance at them. I would not recommend those techniques.

It is true that any technique that creates an altered state of consciousness to accomplish its task is not a good idea at best and dangerous at worse.

The use of music can be used to create altered states that then can insert messages in the brain. Music can be used in "brainwashing."

Bottomline: do not let people mess with your mind.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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