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Holy Spirit Maureen Saturday, September 27, 2008


I was in the Charismatic Renewal for many years and I have rested in the Holy Spirit at several healing Masses. That was back in the mid 1980's. Recently I have felt the Holy Sprit more at Church, like when a Priest walks by, when I receive Holy Communion or if I meet another devout Catholic.

What really got me recently was when I was in line for Communion and Father had to excuse himself to get more Hosts from the Tabernacle. I felt a strong magnet like pull on me towards the altar. It was as if I had let it go on I would have wound up wooshed up in front of the altar somewhere.

I have had experiences with the dark side as well. I stood in front of an athiest once and felt like she was downloading my life force. I had a strange experince with a hostess at a Friendly's who started acting in a bizarre manner as she seated my husband and I. It was as if what was in her recognized the light in me. That's the only way I can explain it. Even my husband took note of her demeanor.

Can you clarify what the recent experience at Mass may have been? I know that I am a highly sensitive person (HSP) by nature. However, I felt a force stronger that anything I have felt before.


Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Maureen:

Well, assuming there is no psychiatric issue involved, I would take these experiences as they are. What you have described is consistent with the actions of the Holy Spirit. You may indeed, as you say, be a highly sensitive person. This can be used for the glory of God.

One time I was invited over to a neighbor's house. They had a friend visiting who they thought may be possessed. The neighbor did not tell the friend who I was.

When I came into the room I sat in a chair at one end of the livingroom. This friend found her way to the other side of the room as far away from me as she could get and sat on the floor in the corner. The demon in her must have sensed the Holy Spirit in me.

This gift may serve to protect you. It may also serve to be a aid to prayer. When you discern those who are away from God, you can then pray for them.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary


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