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time travel? Josephine Saturday, October 4, 2008


Hello Bro.Ignatius,

I know this is more of a 'scientific' question rather then 'spiritual' but I was hoping you could shed some light on it for me. Is it possible; as this would defy all of God's laws in the universe, some scientists say it is 'possible' the thought is very scary, and I think of the ramifications, history could be completely altered; I think its ok in sci/fi fantasty movies, but for it to actually 'happen'?

A scientist claims he is 'working' on such a machine. Now, I am
no physicist, just an ordinary average inteligence, person, but my logical mind tells me this is impossible. Time and space are God's 'domain' Your opinion please.

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Josephine:

Well, I do not think you can say that time travel defies "all of God's laws in the universe". Do you know all the laws of the universe?

From my limited understanding of "quantum" physics and Einstein's theories on special and general relativity and such, Einstein showed that space is curved, time is relative, and time travel is theoretically possible in some manner. Travel in the future may be theoretically possible by what is called time dilation based on velocity in the theory of special relativity that gives us what is called the twin paradox. There is also a gravitational time dilation in the General Relativity theory.

Scientists have discovered that even at the speeds of the space shuttle, astronauts can travel a few nanoseconds into the future.

So, there is some evidence for time travel in the future, but I don't think there is any evidence in physics to travel in the past.

The problems of a man traveling into the future like we see in the movies are so complex as to either never be resolved, or not likely to be resolved anytime soon.

These phenomena of time and space that have been demonstrated with sub-atomic particles and such are fully consistent with God's laws of the universe. They could not exist otherwise.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary 

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