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Unique Supernatural Issues Ed Tuesday, October 7, 2008


I have some supernatural issues that I do not recognize. I probably should discuss my issues in private to avoid becoming the next new thing.

The last time I spoke to a priest about it rained in the confessional. He was very interested and wanted to know about what I see. At the end of the confession he said, he said “lookout for the water there is a lot of it”. When I went out to say my prayers, I heard the door slam open and the rushing wind exiting the church.

Discernment of spirits? While fixing an executive’s pc, I saw her spinning in her chair with tongue hanging out. Later she told me about her pastor (making excuses I guess). The next day she quit her job.

Why do I see the spirits of the living? Although sometimes people come to me before they pass (run into them a lot). Once I while visiting a dying friends I saw her husband’s spirit leave his body (by a few inches) and look around. He didn’t see me and was very imperial, he died a year or so later. Once in a job interview, the interviewer started to speak to the wall.

Now my question isn’t about the dead or passing spirits or angels whom I see as real people (in the flesh or are they people in the spirit) whom I kind of know (see them around the office). An example is when a man who’s name I didn’t know but knew that he worked in one of our departments came to my office cube and told me that I would get a new boss and that I would not get along with him for years but that we would become close in the end, it took a few years to come about but it did and this boss now gives me job references.

My question is about the living who’s spirit come to see me in the flesh. These can be family, relatives, or a girl I was, for lack of a better word, obsessed with. I see these in normal life and in the flesh (some I know are well and living in a different state), but onetime one appeared to me as a physical spirit in my bedroom. He appeared to me in the glory of his youth, blonder than blond and saying such beautiful words that I couldn’t understand them. In a heartbeat he was old and was waving his finger at me while I was sitting on my bed and saying “I hate you…I’ll get even with you… (on and on.)


Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Ed:

Well raining in the confessional, if this was observed by the priest, is certainly an interesting phenomenon.

There is not much I can say in a forum like this since I would have to have your complete history.

Some of what you described could be spiritual (demonological) and some could be psychiatric, or both.

Once we are open for new clients again, perhaps you should contact us for a private consultation.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary


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