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Power of curses Ron Thursday, October 23, 2008


Dear Brother Ignatius Mary,
Thank you very much for this website and forum as it has reinforced my faith...

When my 13-year-old son was a new born I had found a most curious and frightening collection of items on the ground right outside and below his bedroom window: a plastic baby spoon stuck into the dirt centered under about 8-10 little rocks lined up in a row forming an arc, looking somewhat like a symbol for a new moon. I had no idea what this staging of items meant but it was frightening because it meant someone had been in our yard and looked occultic in nature. It was obviously meant for my son because of the baby spoon and it was displayed right under his nursery window.

My immediate reaction was to try to crush the spoon; I used a giant cement block but the spoon would not break. So I rearranged the rocks into a symbol of a cross and left it there until nature itself (rain, wind) strewn it about.

Cut to the present day: my son has a slight curvature of the spine and pectus (an abnormality of his chest wall) and possibly the connective-tissue disease, marfan. We won't know for another 4-6 weeks about his disgnosis for marfan until the genetic blood tests come back.

Please, Brother, do you think my son's physical problems have anything to do with this baby spoon and deliberate alignment of rocks outside his window as an infant?

Do you know what that display could have meant? The alignment of rocks actually looked like a curved spine. Could a curse, if that was what it was, have that power over a baptized child reared in a Christian household?

I am obviously worried about my son's condition. He had always been uncoordinated but I never thought it could be something as severe as marfan. He is a very bright (4.0 GPA) and empathetic child and of course I love him so much. Do you have any spiritual advice for me, even if this is not a curse?

Thank you, Brother, and bless you for all the good that you and your staff do.


Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Ron:

I praise God that our site has been beneficial to you.

The things you found outside your son's window would seem to suggest someone seeking to do some magick. Whether or not the intent was to harm or to "bless" I do not know. Those who are into various forms of magick sometimes do such things as a form of blessing or protection; it is not always a negative intent. Without knowing a lot more information I really cannot say more.

The condition of your son may have nothing to do with this incident, but Christians can be victims of curses. If you feel there is a curse, you can pray the prayer to Break Spells and Curses found in our Prayer Catalog linked below. I would also pray the hedge prayers of protection as well.

I am sorry to hear about your son's condition. We will certainly pray for him.

As for other advice, the prayer to break curses is specific, of course, but the Hedge Prayers of Protection and many of the other prayers in our Catalog are good to pray anyway as a general rule.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary

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