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Am I losing my mind? Cassandra Friday, October 24, 2008


Hello. I am not certain what is going on with me but I think I am going crazy. Ive been finding it harder and harder to have faith in the catholic church and my reasons are not all logical. My perception on everything is constantly being questioned. I keep on wondering if I ever had any genuine faith or if it was that I believed in something that didn't exist and just the fact that I believed was what always helped. I can't seem to convince myself of anything. I always have thoughts that contradict me every time I think Ive found faith. I am in a state of mind that can't be broken.

I do not want to leave the church and refuse too but I have this awful feeling that I am being mislead and no one knows any truth. Ive started to wonder if truth even exists. I really need faith, I think I am losing my mind. If I was to believe that their was no truth or any good or evil I fear I might do horrible things. I find it hard to pray as if its pointless and I keep thinking I need proof. I would ask God to prove his existence to me but is that not testing him? What should I do?

Question Answered by Bro. Ignatius Mary, OLSM

Dear Cassandra:

I would advise you to reject the negative thoughts. When I say that I mean to say outloud, "I reject this thought that is making me doubt the Church (or my faith, or whatever it is)."

The Bible tells us to "take captive every thought in obedience to Christ."

I would also advise praying the Rebuking Particular Spirits prayer. Rebuke the spirit of doubt, for example. Also the Hedge Prayers of Protection and the prayer to Control Thoughts.

Ask God to give you peace and confidence in the faith.

ESPECIALLY, and most importantly, spend at least one hour in Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament each week; more time if you can. Just sit there in front of the Tabernacle if the Sacrament is not exposed. Bask in the rays of the Son. Tell our Lord what is on your mind, but be sure to spend at least 20 minutes in silence before the Tabernacle.

You need to do this each and every week for at least one hour each time. Go as many times during the week as you can, but at least once per week. Even if this seems boring or seems not to work, do it anyway.

Also read the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the Bible a little each day.

Try this for a few months and see if this will help. We will be in prayer for you.

God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary


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